Work began in November 2022 on Smyrna Elementary’s new outdoor classroom, which will be the new location for school-wide assemblies.
I started at Smyrna Elementary School in 1987 and spent my K-4 years there before I finished my time at SHS. All these years later, our mission at Dow Smith has collided with places that are near and dear to my heart. 35 years ago, Smyrna was a small town and definitely not as diverse as we see in areas today. SES has been infused with the Hispanic and Laotian communities in the last decade and demographically become an area of need in Smyrna.
Our mission, which is To Serve, has come to life at SES recently with the construction of an outdoor classroom. Holley and Ryan met with leaders at SES to discuss their biggest needs. They found out that the gym is not large enough for the entire school to attend an assembly at the same time. Holley asked the leadership team to dream big and asked them if they could have anything they wanted, what would it be? The idea for the outdoor classroom was born from that conversation. Last year at the Construction Carnival we broke ground for the project and work started in November.
The classroom consists of an 80-foot concrete stage with access ramps for ADA. Students will be able to access the classroom by stairs that wrap around the front. It will also have a screen wall behind it with a pergola-type roof over it for shade. Home Depot has donated benches for students to sit on as their teachers instruct. The classroom will function as well for community and school events.
DSC Partner and SES graduate Trey King returns to campus to construct a new outdoor classroom.
I can remember all those years ago as a kid really only wanting to play in the dirt and operate equipment when I grew up. I also remember as a teenager ready to graduate from SHS that I didn’t want to go away to college but make a difference in my hometown. Flash forward and I am living out my dream of playing in the dirt at SES on mission and being given the opportunity to help support DSC in making a difference locally.
It is important for us to remember that we need to walk with a humble heart and share our love with others. We see in Mark 10:45 that Jesus tells James and John “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve.” I am so thankful to walk alongside my brothers and sisters at DSC as we serve Smyrna Elementary.
Written by Trey King
Trey King began working for Dow Smith Company in January of 2017. Originally hired as a Superintendent, Trey was later promoted to Field Operations Director and named as a Partner. As Field Operations Director, Trey describes himself as “the voice from the field to the office and from the office back to the field.”
As a Smyrna native, Trey knows the community well. He is a graduate of Smyrna High School and has a bachelor’s degree in Business Management from MTSU. Prior to joining Dow Smith Company, Trey worked for the Town of Smyrna for more than 10 years.