Title Boxing Club
Franchise Owner: Kyndon Oakes
Location: 1311 Greshampark Drive, Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Project Delivery: General Contracting
Project Scope: New two-story building/boxing club fit-up
This new, two-story, high-end building for Title Boxing Club on Greshampark Drive in Murfreesboro’s Gateway district was completed in the Winter of 2018. Working as the general contractor with architect Rob McKelvey, the Dow Smith Company team began the conventional structural steel with masonry façade project in the Summer of 2017. Title Boxing Club occupies the second floor of the building and the first floor is open for retail and/or office space.
Because Title Boxing Club Franchise owner Kyndon Oakes was new to the Rutherford County area, one of his first challenges was to find a trusted construction partner. Another obstacle with this project was the location—a busy district with many other businesses nearby. Our team didn’t have much room to stage our work, store our equipment, or tie into the large number of on-site utilities. This challenge required tight supervision and close scheduling of deliveries by our Superintendent Trey King and Project Manager Joey Rhyne. Despite these obstacles, the project was completed on time and within budget for a quality result for Kyndon and Title Boxing Club.
When planning a new commercial or retail facility, one of the first decisions you’ll face is whether to pursue ground-up construction or to build out an existing structure. Each approach has its own set of advantages and challenges, and the choice ultimately depends on your specific business needs, budget, timeline, and long-term goals.